
Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of the following

Office bearers of the Society i.e. President, Vice-President the
Treasurer and the Secretary

Five members elected by the General Body

Chairmen/Managers of the various units which are formed for
fulfilling the objectives of the Society or their nominees

Two nominees of the President

The term of the Executive Committee shall ordinarily be three years.

The meetings of the Executive Committee will be:
(i) Ordinary Meeting
(ii) Special Meeting

Usually three days’ notice will be required for the ordinary meetingof the Executive Committee, while the special meeting may be
convened on short notice at the instance of the President.

The ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee will generally be held once a month and the special meeting will be held as
and when required.

The quorum for the ordinary and special meetings of the Executive
Committee will be one third of its membership

If any vacancy arises in the composition of the Executive Committee, it shall be filled only through the General Body

The executive committee shall:

(i) Set up units for fulfilling the objectives iof the society;
(ii) Approve the schemes and plans of the society;
(iii) Appoint an auditor for auditing the accounts of the society;
(iv) Implement the decisions of the general body and
(v) Adopt measures for achieving the objectives, improving the efficiency and strengthening the financial position of the society.